Monday, October 19, 2009

Evidence of a Busy Week

Last week was a super busy week. I think the best way to
convey to you how busy my week was, is with the following story. On Monday morning I ran out of deodorant. So I used Dave's for a day, but he ran out on Tuesday morning. So until Saturday night when I finally got around to buying more deodorant, I used Axe body spray. Yes, for 4 days I went about my daily business smelling like a middle-school aged boy who just returned from gym class. The strangest part was that I didn't even care.

After smothering myself in Axe on Saturday morning, Dave looked at me with a face full of disapproval/disgust and said "I really wish you'd buy more deodorant so you didn't smell like a little boy anymore."


  1. oh my heavens. i thought my life was busy. but if you don't even have time to buy take the prize.
    p.s. wish you were here. i didn't end up going to the wedding. i had to go to my class, but i'll be sure to give her a hug for you at the reception.

  2. at least you are using something.

  3. At least this is due to business. I could see myself doing this out of laziness.....

  4. Makes you grateful for Sundays when we have a day a little calmer than the rest. Good hearing you all are doing well.

  5. Thats really funny! At least you are wearins something ( its not that bad eaither!)

  6. You crack me up! Love that you are blogging!! Hope you are enjoying Vegas. Hopefully we'll see during the holidays!?!? Love ya!
